6 Ways to Prepare Your Body for Winter with Chinese Medicine

by Jana Royer |

Fall is a transitional period which requires action before the restful Winter arri...

Balancing the Heart & Spleen in Chinese Medicine

by Jean Baker, M.Ed, MAcOM, L.Ac, Dipl. OM. |

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, the Heart and Spleen are conside...

How Gui Pi Tang Helped Save a Marriage through Better Sleep

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

As Chinese herbal medicine like Gui Pi Tang is known for their innumerable benefit...

Fall Skincare Secrets from Chinese Medicine

by Lydia Au, L.Ac, MSOM |

Many people perceive fall to be a bittersweet time of the year where the changing ...

Amaranth Grain and Root Vegetables: Fall Recipe for the Change of Seasons

by Travis Metzger |

The change of seasons is always a time of potential vulnerability. To protect ours...

5 Ways Chinese Medicine Can Help with Shorter Days

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Do you want peaceful sleep on the weekend after a hectic work week? short term ben...

Understanding the Link Between Stress and Perimenopause

by Brie Wieselman, LAc, MTCM |

Stress – we’re all living with it, and you don’t need me to tell you stress isn’t ...

A Fall Pumpkin Soup to Ease Bloating and Strengthen Digestion

by Travis Metzger |

This Thai-inspired pumpkin soup uses a seasonal favorite in a new way to support d...

9 Chinese Medicine Inspired Self-Care Tips for Fall

by Lauren Becker, LAc |

According to Chinese Medicine theory, there are five natural elements that exist w...

Transitioning Inwards: Embrace Autumn by Letting Go

by Carmelle LeMaistre, R.Ac |

7 ways to use Chinese Medicine theory for a better transition to autumn.

Is Facial Acupuncture Really Effective? And Is It Better Than Botox?

by Dr. Katherine Altneu, DTCM, Dipl O.M. LAc |

As an acupuncturist trained in Mei Zen cosmetic and facial acupuncture, I get aske...

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up

by Lauren Becker, LAc |

We’re all familiar with spring cleaning, but from a Traditional Chinese Medicine p...

Blood Deficiency: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Overview

by Kacie Krecolowich R.Ac |

Blood Deficiency. Iron Deficiency. Anemia. Low Ferritin. Blood deficiency is a ver...

A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach to Autumn Alignment

by Sonja Alina denElzen, R.Ac |

The five phases in Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy are a way of connecting...

A Fresh Juice Recipe for Better Circulation

by Travis Metzger |

Oftentimes the question comes up of "can I occasionally enjoy the wonderful flavor...

How Many Acupuncture Treatments Will I Need?

by Jacy O'Neill, LAc |

As an Acupuncturist, one of the most common questions I get asked is, “how many tr...

Painful Periods? They Don't Have to Be!

by Amy Malone |

So many women are suffering from painful periods. In reality, more than 50 percent...

Chinese Medicine Recommendations for Late Summer Wellness

by Adrienne Irizarry |

When we speak of the seasons in a Western sense, we have four seasons - Winter, Sp...

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