Why Rest Is So Important in the Winter: It's the Yin Part of the Year

by Sofie Ringsten |

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, winter is the season of water. S...

4 Ways to Stay Healthy with Chinese Medicine

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Explore four ways to use Chinese medicine for a healthier winter.

How to Stop a Sore Throat with Traditional Chinese Medicine

by Lenore Cangeloso, LAc |

Traditional Chinese Medicine can treat a wide variety of ailments such as pain, in...

Cold Pathogens, Warm Pathogens: How Chinese Medicine Can Boost Your Immunity

by Marcie Bower |

Learn how Chinese Herbal Medicine can help keep your immune system resilient.

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang: A Classic Formula for Energy and Vitality

by DAO Labs |

Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang is a classic herbal formula recognized for its ability to repl...

New Year's Resolutions: How Acupuncture Can Help

by Marcie Bower |

From losing weight to spending more time with family and friends, acupuncture can ...

4 Common Holiday “Side Effects” and How Chinese Medicine Can Help

by Brenna Bouchard, L.Ac. |

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  Well, sometimes. Other times we can fe...

A Chinese Medicine Guide to Gift Giving

by Tracey Dwight |

Give the gift of health this holiday season.

The Gift of Self-Care this Holiday Season

by Dr. Liz Carlson |

At a time of the year when we're thinking about everyone but ourselves, New York b...

What Is "Lung Qi" In Chinese Medicine Theory?

by Hannah Fries |

The ever-elusive Qi  Like the steam that spirals from a pot of cooking rice (as it...

3 Ways to Find Calm with Chinese Medicine During the Holidays

by Tracey Dwight |

The holidays can be an especially stressful time. In business, we are planning for...

7 Ways to Sleep Better Naturally with Chinese Medicine

by Lori Earley |

Houston based acupuncturist Lori Earley shares seven tips from Chinese Medicine - ...

How to Eat During the Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

by Hannah Fries |

In the quest to reclaim our bodily sovereignty from the grip of a system of disemp...

Chinese Medicine Recommendations for a Better Thanksgiving

by John G. McGarvey |

Strengthen the digestive process, minimize bloating, and feel better with these 4 ...

Simple Ways to Reduce Stress with Traditional Chinese Medicine

by Lenore Cangeloso, LAc |

Stress can easily create a toll on your mind and body. It is considered the number...

Restore Digestive Balance with Yin and Yang Foods

by Travis Metzger |

Yin and Yang are the two most fundamental concepts in Traditional Chinese Medi...

Fall Joint Care: How Du Huo and Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Can Keep You Moving

by DAO Labs |

We’re getting there, and you just might be feeling it in your joints and bones: co...

Your Second Spring: An Acupuncturist Explains Menopause

by Dr. Casey Dorman |

Menopause, sometimes called "the change of life" while at other times "the climact...

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