A Fall Pumpkin Soup to Ease Bloating and Strengthen Digestion

by Travis Metzger |

This Thai-inspired pumpkin soup uses a seasonal favorite in a new way to support d...

9 Chinese Medicine Inspired Self-Care Tips for Fall

by Lauren Becker, LAc |

According to Chinese Medicine theory, there are five natural elements that exist w...

The Invigorating Power of Bai Zhu

by DAO Labs |

Looking to invigorate your Qi, and in so doing, feel energized but balanced?  The ...

Herbal Remedies in Chinese Medicine: Natural Solutions for Insomnia

by DAO Labs |

Do you struggle to fall asleep, frequently experience restless nights, or constant...

Beating Stress and Staying on Task with Traditional Chinese Medicine

by Marianne Talkovski, L.Ac, LE |

According to standard definition, stress can be defined in many ways, but what is ...

Transitioning Inwards: Embrace Autumn by Letting Go

by Carmelle LeMaistre, R.Ac |

7 ways to use Chinese Medicine theory for a better transition to autumn.

Your Brain on Acupuncture? It’s Better.

by Dr. Gretchen Rivas D.Ac. L.Ac., Diplomate Ac. LMT |

Did you know that acupuncture is one of the best ways to restore health to the bra...

Harnessing the Power of Traditional Chinese Herbs for Mental Health

by DAO Labs |

Stress, anxiousness, sadness, or mental fatigue got you down? In our fast-paced so...

The Herb Series: Forsythia Fruit for Digestive Wellness

by Caroline Joan Peixoto |

In the spirit of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, nature often holds the key t...

Is Facial Acupuncture Really Effective? And Is It Better Than Botox?

by Dr. Katherine Altneu, DTCM, Dipl O.M. LAc |

As an acupuncturist trained in Mei Zen cosmetic and facial acupuncture, I get aske...

Embracing Herbal Strategies

by Carrie Gravis |

Traditional Herbal therapies has been championed by China and other Eastern countr...

Autumn-Inspired & Outrageously Delicious Homemade Almond Mylk

by Hannah Fries, LAc |

Remember the days when soy milk seemed like the only alt mylk around? Oh, how th...

Daily Rituals to Start the Day with Traditional Chinese Medicine

by Lenore Cangeloso, LAc |

Starting the morning off right can really set the stage for the day ahead. Even ta...

The Ultimate Guide to Digestive Health Supplements: Why Bao He Wan Stands Out

by DAO Labs |

Digestive health is a foundational aspect of overall wellness. When your gut is un...

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up

by Lauren Becker, LAc |

We’re all familiar with spring cleaning, but from a Traditional Chinese Medicine p...

Blood Deficiency: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Overview

by Kacie Krecolowich R.Ac |

Blood Deficiency. Iron Deficiency. Anemia. Low Ferritin. Blood deficiency is a ver...

A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach to Autumn Alignment

by Sonja Alina denElzen, R.Ac |

The five phases in Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy are a way of connecting...

A Fresh Juice Recipe for Better Circulation

by Travis Metzger |

Oftentimes the question comes up of "can I occasionally enjoy the wonderful flavor...

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