How to Eat During the Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle
by Hannah Fries |
In the quest to reclaim our bodily sovereignty from the grip of a system of disemp...
How to Optimize Exercise & Mindset During Each Phase of Your Menstrual Cycle
by Hannah Fries |
In order to optimize our wellbeing, we need to learn to live in sync with our phys...
Sichuan Peppercorns and Porridge for Women’s Monthly Abdominal Pain and Cramping
by Travis Metzger |
For many women, abdominal pain is a monthly event, and one for which there seems...
What Are the Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle in Chinese Medicine?
by Hannah Fries |
In the quest to optimize wellbeing, we learn to live in sync with our physiologica...
An Herbal Formula For Period Regularity & Strength
by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |
Women's bodies are beautiful, amazing and complex. But the monthly menstrual cycle...
Chuan Xiong to Bounce Back
by Lenore Cangeloso, LAc |
An active herb in our Bounce Back formula, Chuan Xiong can be an amazing herbal al...
How I Improved My Period With Xiao Yao San and Si Wu Tang
by Nell Smircina |
How can the DAO Labs Women's Kit improve your period? Using Xiao Yao San and Si W...
7 Year Cycles of Women: Perspectives on Jing & Essence
by Kris Gonzalez |
If you’ve ever wondered how to reconnect, start with your 7 year cycles.
Chinese Herbs During Each Phase of Your Menstrual Cycle
by Hannah Fries |
The Earth is perpetually offering herself to us as medicine; herbs are a prime exa...
How to Use Acupressure During Each Phase of Your Menstrual Cycle
by Hannah Fries |
Chinese medicine recognizes 4 interrelated phases of the menstrual cycle that repr...
Debunking and Disposing of the Myth of PMS
by Hannah Fries |
Menstruation isn't meant to make you suffer.
Traditional Chinese Medicine for a Pain Free Period
by Megan Crouse, L.Ac |
Women have turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to help w...
Heart & Womb Connection
by Kris Gonzalez, LAc |
It's happened to you or a friend. An emotional trigger or trauma completely messes...
How To Get Rid Of Cramps In 30 Minutes Or Less
by DAO Labs |
Adrienne Irizarry is an Eastern Medicine practitioner with a women's health practi...
Relieve Menstrual Cramping with this Simple, Ancient Recipe
by Travis Metzger |
As I've talked about throughout my recipes, the key principles of Chinese dietary ...
What Do Apples & Donuts Have in Common in Chinese Medicine?
by Tracey Dwight |
Hint: it has nothing to do with sugar.
What is Cycle Syncing?
by Kris Gonzalez, LAc |
Learn about this practice for adapting to and supporting your body's shifting horm...
How Chinese Women Manage Their Menstrual Cycles: The Concepts of Hot and Cold
by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |
Good or bad, painful or not, short or long, American women tend to think the natur...