4 Ways to Stay Healthy with Chinese Medicine

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Explore four ways to use Chinese medicine for a healthier winter.

Cold Pathogens, Warm Pathogens: How Chinese Medicine Can Boost Your Immunity

by Marcie Bower |

Learn how Chinese Herbal Medicine can help keep your immune system resilient.

What is Reishi (Lingzhi)?

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Reishi, also referred to as Lingzhi, is a form of mushroom with centuries of hist...

Find Relief During Pollen Season with Chinese Herbs

by Travis Metzger |

Spring means flower buds, grasses, blooming trees and pollen— and if you're one of...

Astragalus Root for the Busy Mom

by Tracey Dwight |

Life as a working mom can be stressful - incorporating this simple herb into your ...

Jade Windscreen to Boost Immunity

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Jade Windscreen can be incredibly powerful in keeping one healthy during cold and ...

5 Natural Pollen Season Solutions

by Jen Ward |

According to Healthline, between 10 and 30 percent of all adults and as many as 40...

Weight Loss & New Diet Science: East Meets West

by Dr. Dana Leigh Lyons |

As I teach my patients, a Chinese Medicine approach to weight loss, explaining t...

Achieve Mental & Physical Balance: 7 Reasons for Chinese Medicine in the New ...

by John G. McGarvey |

Incorporate Chinese medicine into your mental and physical wellness practices in 2...

Getting Back on Planes? Do Not Fly Without These Herbs

by DAO Labs |

With airplanes legitimately packed to the brim, it's hard to remember that this ti...

10 Reasons Jade Windscreen Is the Best Immunity Booster

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Known as "Jade Windscreen" formula or Yu Ping Feng San, Immunity Support has built...

Jade Windscreen for Safer Travel

by John G. McGarvey |

With over 2 million people taking to the skies again this summer, it feels as th...

Better Solution When Headed Airborne

by Nell Smircina |

I need to feel like anything I put in my body is safe and makes sense....enter Jad...

The Dreaded Back-to-School Cold: How One Teacher Prepares for It

by John G. McGarvey |

“I was asked to try Immunity Support last year and the experience was fabulous!,” ...

Pollen Season and Chinese Herbs – A Natural Solution, 800 Years in the Making

by John G. McGarvey |

Does Chinese Herbal Medicine offer solutions for pollen season woes?  Of course.

Acupressure & Chinese Herbs for Better Travel

by Dr. Jennifer Tom, DACM, L.Ac. |

Have a healthier and happier summer vacation with these actionable tips from Chine...

5 Ways to Strengthen Your Vital Qi with Chinese Medicine

by Sofie Ringsten |

A person’s vital life force is in Chinese medicine known as Qi (pronounced “ch...

Chinese Herbs in the West: Jade Windscreen & Immunity Support

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

One of the most important uses of this formula is for strength during cold and pol...

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