Digestive Harmony & Bao He Wan: A Combination for Digestive Happiness
by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |
One seemingly minor, but in the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine not at all i...
A Simple Salad to Bolster Your Qi
by Travis Metzger |
This recipe will build the energy of the spleen and pancreas with nutrients like i...
Stop Your Cold with this Asian Style Vegetable Noodle Soup Recipe
by Travis Metzger |
Colds can affect everyone at one time or another especially during the winter mont...
A Holiday Toast to Your Digestive Fire
by Travis Metzger |
Limoncello is the Italian word referring to an intensely lemon flavored liqueur mo...
Why This Chinese Formula is a Must for Thanksgiving Digestive Happiness
by DAO Labs |
How Digestive Harmony keeps the digestive system flowing after a large meal.
A Post-Thanksgiving Digestive Reset for Your Stomach
by Sarah Canga |
Feeling like you need a reset after the holiday? Incorporate this delicious water...
Chinese Medicine Recommendations for a Better Thanksgiving
by John G. McGarvey |
Strengthen the digestive process, minimize bloating, and feel better with these 4 ...
Lighten Up Your Thanksgiving Feast with a Delicious Eastern Inspired Green Be...
by Travis Metzger |
Upgrade your green bean casserole this year for these fresh, lightly cooked green ...
What I Turn To When Eating 'Just One' Piece of Halloween Candy Fails
by Elise Schadauer |
When your stomach hurts from overindulging on Halloween candy, you could head to t...
Barley, Bok Choy and Maitake to Offset Autumnal Dryness
by Travis Metzger |
The Five Elements system of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory serves as an aid f...
A Fall Soup for the Metal Element: Ancho Chile Accented Lentil Soup
by Travis Metzger |
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, there are Five Elements, and we'...
Restore Digestive Balance with Yin and Yang Foods
by Travis Metzger |
Yin and Yang are the two most fundamental concepts in Traditional Chinese Medi...
Embrace Metal Element With This Roasted Five Spice Cauliflower Recipe
by Travis Metzger |
The ancient Chinese believed that the seasons have a profound cyclical effect on h...
Xiao Yao San for Liver Qi Stagnation
by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |
Liver Qi is a central concept in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and refers to ...
Grilled Peaches and Prosciutto to Stimulate Digestion and Qi
by Travis Metzger |
Juicy, sweet, fresh peaches are a summertime treat and getting them on the grill i...
Lightly Cooked Vegetables for Better Digestive Health
by Travis Metzger |
Many of us have issues with our digestive systems in one form or another, but woul...
Fu Ling’s (Poria) Solutions for Gut Health: A Chinese Medicine Perspective
by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |
According to Chinese medicine theory, this medicinal plant is most effective in co...
"Middle Burner" Diet: Grilled Corn and Fire Roasted Tomato Tabouleh
by Travis Metzger |
Tabouleh is a vegetarian salad made typically of parsley, tomato, mint, onion, bul...