A Traditional Chinese Medicine Juice for Spring Detox

by Travis Metzger |

A Traditional Chinese Medicine Juice for Spring Detox

Are you looking to boost your immunity after a long winter?  Spring is the wonderful time of the year to let your bodies detoxify and cleanse, thus letting them operate efficiently with better immunity.

A detox can range from simple adjustments in your diet to complex cleanses. Either way, the goal is always to rid your body of toxins that pollution, processed foods, and alcohol leave behind. Your body is already equipped to cleansing itself, and it’s important when detoxing not to impede the natural processes.

Taking the time to breathe, do a little more exercise, stocking your fridge with healthy, whole foods and letting go of negative emotions and stress will set your mind and body in the right direction. Little things like adding a fresh juice to your diet a few times a week will cleanse your palate and have you craving healthy foods.

I love how potassium rich celery combines with fruit, its natural saltiness compliments and balances the sharp and bitter flavors of the grapefruit. Grapefruit is incredibly refreshing and the sweetness increases as the fruit darkens. Packed with vitamin C, grapefruit is an antioxidant that can cleanse your system by aiding with digestion and easing constipation. Spinach is one of the most nutritious greens, filled with iron, beta-carotene and vitamin C, it provides a nice depth to the juice and rids your blood of toxins.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Benefits of the Ingredients 
  • Grapefruit: Supports your stomach, spleen and lungs, counteracts heat, resolves phlegm and promotes Qi circulation. 
  • Spinach: Supports your large intestine, stomach and liver, tonifies blood and yin, and counteracts heat. 
  • Celery: Supports liver, stomach, kidney and bladder, counteracts damp and heat, drains water.

Grapefruit, Spinach and Celery Juice

Serving Size

Prep/Cooking Time

  • Prep time: 5 minutes
  • Cooking time: 5 minutes


  • 2 Grapefruit

  • 4 Large handfuls spinach
5-8 Stalks celery depending on size 



Juice all ingredients and enjoy!

Dining with Culinary Artist Travis Metzger is an unforgettable experience. You can taste the passion, creativity and culinary expertise in each of Travis’s one-of-kind recipes. Most would agree that Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs in their original form taste less than delectable, but Travis has proven that TCM for today can taste great with DAO Labs. Travis develops unique flavors for each DAO formula to complement the proprietary blend of herbs and their health benefits. After extensive training at the New England Culinary Institute, Travis ran some of the finest restaurants across the country before starting his own in Minneapolis. To survive the stresses and physical challenges of the kitchen heat, Travis focused on combining natural ingredients for healthy AND delicious eating and juicing.

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