Addressing Insomnia: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan as a Natural Solution

by DAO Labs |

Having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or tossing and turning throughout t...

7 Ways to Sleep Better Naturally with Chinese Medicine

by Lori Earley |

Houston based acupuncturist Lori Earley shares seven tips from Chinese Medicine - ...

Melatonin vs. Chinese Herbs?  It’s a Matter of Herbs over Hormones

by DAO Labs |

According to a study published recently by the American Medical Association, “more...

Which DAO Sleep Formula is Right for You?

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Sleep is precious. For those of us who struggle with sleep, there is perhaps no ot...

The Unexpected Root Cause of Your Sleep Troubles

by Hannah Fries |

Hi, are you awake? Me too... We spend about one third of our lives asleep… hopeful...

5 Ways to Use Xiao Yao San 

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Emotional Balance is an incredibly versatile formula.  We look at 5 ways it can he...

Four Benefits of Hawthorn Berry (Shan Zha) in Chinese Medicine

by DAO Labs |

Hawthorn Berry in Chinese Medicine is a versatile plant used for its medicinal qua...

Chinese Medicine Tip: Simple Acupressure for Better Sleep

by Amy Malone |

On average, Americans are getting 6-7 hours of sleep per night, and the recommenda...

Why Do I Wake Up at the Same Time Every Night?

by Dr. Lauren Dyer L.Ac. DAC |

“Not again…” “Seriously?!…” “Why this time?” If your nocturnal alarm clock wakes...

The Seasonal Shift, Its Relationship to Insomnia, & Acupressure

by Emily Bartha, LAc, MSAOM |

How does the seasonal shift and time changes lead to insomnia? And how can acupunc...

Chronic Insomnia: How Acupuncture Can Help

by Mark Whalen, L.Ac. |

Chronic insomnia isn’t just frustrating; it can have a major impact on your qualit...

A Chinese Medicine Perspective on Why We Don’t Sleep

by Dr. Jennifer Tom, DACM, L.Ac. |

Sleep - no matter who you are or what you do, it is a fundamental part of our heal...

5 Ways Better Sleep Improves Your Health

by DAO Labs |

According to the American Psychological Association, since the beginning of the pa...

Send Us a Picture of Your Tongue. We’ll Help You Sleep Better

by John G. McGarvey |

Send us a picture of your tongue (seriously).  Within 24 hours an acupuncturist wi...

Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan for the Irritable Sleeper

by Dr. Khanita Suvarnasuddhi |

Sleep is one of those essentials just as important as eating and breathing. In Chi...

I'm Voting for Better Sleep

by John G. McGarvey |

In preparation for next week's elections, we're reposting an article from the 2020...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Sleep Tips

by John G. McGarvey |

Throughout the last two years, disruptions to sleep caused by anxiety, stress, and...

Show Us Your Tongue: Gui Pi Tang

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Your tongue is the only muscle in the body that we can see, and can provide incred...

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