"Clear Mind" - A Summer Workout Playlist

by DAO Labs |

"Clear Mind" - A Summer Workout Playlist

It’s finally summer, the season associated with the “Fire” element and the “Heart” in Chinese Medicine.  The days are hot and long, and we’re trying to squeeze in all of our summer activities. As we dive into the holiday week, we are sharing a playlist that will get your heart pumping and help to clear your head.

Nick Loffree is our DJ this week, sharing his “Clear Mind” playlist with us.  Based out of California, Nick is an incredibly talented Qigong Teacher and Healer.  Qigong was fundamental in Nick's personal adventure in healing where modern medicine had little help to offer. He is a Senior Instructor at Holden Qi Gong, and a resident movement teacher at Silicon Valley's premium mindfulness destination,1440 Multiversity. He holds teaching certifications in Tai Chi, Vinyasa Yoga, and many styles of Qigong.  

The Highlights

This epic playlist appropriately opens with The Opening by Sol Flow. This song could be used during a morning stretch, or to start the warm up to your workout. As we get further into the playlist, Anticipation could be played during a walk, where you would like a background sound but also need time to think. The Weight of Gold features more upbeat music, with a distinct sound. This song could be played during more intense movements. The playlist comes to a close with They Came From the Sky, back to more a relaxed beat with a soothing rhythm - perfect to end your workout with a stretch or practice a breathing exercise to. Overall, this playlist could be used throughout a Qigong workout, from warm up to cool down, or you could simply play these songs throughout any time of the day when some time is needed to clear your mind. 

Listen now.

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