A Salad to Soothe a Sore Throat

by Travis Metzger |

Try this "food as medicine" recipe as a holistic remedy to soothing a sore throat,...

Invigorate Your Qi With This Caramelized Onion Soup Recipe

by Travis Metzger |

Want a recipe that will help strengthen the chest and throat as well as assist wit...

An Endive & Chestnut Appetizer for Better Digestion

by Travis Metzger |

A simple but decadent appetizer recipe the combines endive and chestnuts to both a...

A Calming Bowl of Oatmeal for Deep Peaceful Thinking and Sleep

by Travis Metzger |

Healthy carbohydrates maximize the presence of tryptophan in the brain, so by defa...

A Simple Salad to Bolster Your Qi

by Travis Metzger |

This recipe will build the energy of the spleen and pancreas with nutrients like i...

Maitake Mushrooms and Miso to Nourish Your Kidneys During the Winter

by Travis Metzger |

This dish corresponds to the Water Element phase of the Five Phases doctrine of Tr...

Winter Radish Soup With Ginger and Soy to Reset Your Gut & Boost Immunity

by Travis Metzger |

Embrace food as medicine with this winter radish soup recipe, created to keep your...

Eating To Your Constitution in Chinese Medicine

by Travis Metzger |

We define some of the terms surrounding Chinese medicine that can be confusing.

A Traditional Chinese Medicine Twist on a Holiday Classic: Roasted Chestnuts

by Travis Metzger |

Chestnuts are more than just the star of a Nat King Cole Christmas song.  They hol...

Curried Pear Smoothie for a Cough

by Travis Metzger |

This Curried Pear Smoothie recipe is designed to benefit the lungs and relieve co...

Common Imbalance Patterns Within Chinese Dietary Therapy

by Travis Metzger |

Chinese dietary therapy can be extremely confusing - this article explains some co...

An Easy & Tasty Beet Soup for Digestive Health

by Travis Metzger |

I was lucky enough to harvest some beautiful beets from my mom’s garden this past ...

Strengthen Your Digestive Fire with a Warming Fish Stew

by Travis Metzger |

Chinese Dietary Therapy is one of the most important aspects of Chinese medicine, ...

Restore Digestive Balance with Yin and Yang Foods

by Travis Metzger |

Yin and Yang are the two most fundamental concepts in Traditional Chinese Medi...

Sichuan Peppercorns and Porridge for Women’s Monthly Abdominal Pain and Cramping

by Travis Metzger |

For many women, abdominal pain is a monthly event, and one for which there seems...

A Recipe to Support Blood Yin Deficiency

by Travis Metzger |

The recipes on The Way are intended as an East meets West look at food and its re...

A Simple Fall Broth for Improved Digestion

by Travis Metzger |

In Chinese medicine theory, foods can either cool us down or warm us up, however, ...

Grilled Peaches and Prosciutto to Stimulate Digestion and Qi

by Travis Metzger |

Juicy, sweet, fresh peaches are a summertime treat and getting them on the grill i...

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