Traditional Chinese Medicine for a Pain Free Period
by Megan Crouse, L.Ac |
Women have turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to help w...
The Sensation of Your First Acupuncture Needles
by Renee Pilgrim, R.Ac. |
Visiting an Acupuncturist for the first time might be an intimidating experience, ...
The Ear as a Microsystem
by Hannah Fries |
If I told you that a daily ear massage could help to balance every system in your ...
The Evolution of the Acupuncture Needle
by Hannah Fries |
Say the word “needle” and someone within earshot is likely to cringe. That is, unl...
3 Questions Your Acupuncturist Will Ask if You’re Not Feeling Well, and Why
by Hannah Fries |
If your symptoms are like branches, we are looking for the root in order to design...
Put a Seed on It: Earseeds and Needle-Free Acupuncture
by Shawna Seth |
Many people think acupuncture and immediately think needles, but there are a wid...
I Know Acupuncture Works, but Why?
by Shelley Ochs |
As a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, one question I contend with reg...
Acupuncture for Shoveling
by Marcie Bower |
Shoveling is hard work! Here are ways acupuncture can help.
An Honest Account of My Postpartum Depression
by Dr. Ashley Abbs |
Nearly 50% of women don’t get that feeling of instant love for their baby immediat...
The Universal Language of the Body: Performing Acupuncture in Guatemala
by Amy Miley LAc, MSOM |
When Colorado-based acupuncturist Amy Miley went on a mission-trip to provide acup...
Not Just for Fertility - 10 Ways Acupuncture Can Help with Pregnancy and Post...
by Carmelle LeMaistre |
British Columbia based acupuncturist Carmell LeMaistre shares 10 ways that acupunc...
4 Ways To Use Chinese Medicine Like A Celebrity
by Tracey Dwight |
Chinese Medicine is powerful and versatile: we explore four celebrities who have c...
6 Holistic Practices from Chinese Medicine
by Jane Veitenheimer |
We love Chinese herbs, but they are only one of many holistic practices from Tradi...
Nubry Nude Podcast Recap: Women’s Health and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
by Jane Veitenheimer |
Co-Founder Dr. Eric Karchmer had the honor of contributing as a guest on a recent ...
How the Pill Affects Hormonal Health
by DAO Labs |
Dr. Laura Belus answers common hormonal birth control questions, and shares holist...