Tap into Your Vital Life Source With This Autumn Metal Playlist

by DAO Labs |

Tap into Your Vital Life Source With This Autumn Metal Playlist

Autumn, the season of the element metal, is here! Our days are shorter, temperatures are cooler and trees provide us with a spectacular display of color before shedding their leaves. In step with nature, the energy of fall supports our letting go of what we no longer need to create space for what is precious in our lives.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, there is an ancient Taoist concept of the Six Healing Sounds which pair the Five Elements with a healing sound or tone. The musical tone for Metal Element is D and the healing sound is "SSSSS" (as in your tongue on the roof of your mouth as you blow outwards). These sounds are thought to help transform stagnant energy.

Our New Playlist captures this perfectly thanks to Christian Doten. A group of DAO Labs employees attend Christian’s Qi Gong classes each week at Four Gates Physical and Energetic Culture studio and have come to appreciate his musical input to these sessions.

In addition to being a certified personal and kettlebell concepts trainer and yoga instructor, Christian is a professional musician who has compiled six songs to help us transform stuck energy and tap into our vital life source.

Enjoy this playlist and the energy autumn offers to let go of the stale in our lives, to be receptive to the new, and to have a vision of who we truly are.

The energy of fall supports letting go of what we no longer need to create space for what is precious in our lives. DAO Labs Emotional Support

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