5 Ways to Use Xiao Yao San & Si Wu Tang for Better Women's Health
by Tracey Dwight |
5 different ways to pair Si Wu Tang and Xiao Yao San for 5 specific women's health...
An Herbal Formula For Period Regularity & Strength
by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |
Women's bodies are beautiful, amazing and complex. But the monthly menstrual cycle...
Enhance Your Fertility With These Six Actionable Steps
by Eileen Mannion |
If you are planning to conceive, either naturally or undergoing fertility treatmen...
How Gui Pi Tang Helped Save a Marriage through Better Sleep
by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |
As Chinese herbal medicine like Gui Pi Tang is known for their innumerable benefit...
Understanding the Link Between Stress and Perimenopause
by Brie Wieselman, LAc, MTCM |
Stress – we’re all living with it, and you don’t need me to tell you stress isn’t ...
Painful Periods? They Don't Have to Be!
by Amy Malone |
So many women are suffering from painful periods. In reality, more than 50 percent...
How I Improved My Period With Xiao Yao San and Si Wu Tang
by Nell Smircina |
How can the DAO Labs Women's Kit improve your period? Using Xiao Yao San and Si W...
Let’s Talk About The White Peony Root (Bai Shao)
by DAO Labs |
A powerful herb that finds frequent mention in classic Chinese medicine texts for ...
The Power of White Peony Root (Bai Shao)
by Nell Smircina |
Bai Shao, or White Peony Root, is powerful and versatile. Chinese herbs are endles...
Weight Loss & New Diet Science: East Meets West
by Dr. Dana Leigh Lyons |
As I teach my patients, a Chinese Medicine approach to weight loss, explaining t...
The Global Health Crisis, Fertility, and Chinese Medicine
by Jen Ward |
Many fertility clinics have put procedures -- and patients' hopes on hold. Here's...
An Honest Account of My Postpartum Depression
by Dr. Ashley Abbs |
Nearly 50% of women don’t get that feeling of instant love for their baby immediat...
5 Ways to Track Your Cycle
by DAO Labs |
Whether you are searching for hormone-free birth control/fertility options, lookin...