Masks, Hand Sanitizer & Chinese Herbal Medicine

by John G. McGarvey |

Masks, Hand Sanitizer & Chinese Herbal Medicine

The world is opening up, but the need to maintain your health and safety in the new normal will be a constant.  What's in your immunity toolkit?: Small bottles of hand sanitizers, face masks and a conscious awareness of what you’ve touched, before even thinking about wiping your cheek or touching your nose?  As a company embarking on a modern approach to Chinese herbal medicine, can we be so bold to suggest that Chinese herbs should be as much a part of this toolkit?  When thinking about boosting immunity, ahead of any vitamin-C powder or tablet, the answer is unequivocal - absolutely.

As my colleague Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, LAc pointed out in this article when the recent the recent health headlines started, Chinese herbs have been a tool to maintain health during numerous wellness crisis over the last 2,500 years.  More recently, we as a team have used some of these to boost immunity (and more!) throughout every cold and flu season since we launched DAO Labs, including the epic flu season of 2018 with pre-schoolers in tow. 

Ever since then, we’ve been passionate about sharing the power and efficacy. These herbal blends, and the broader modality of Chinese medicine, are more relevant now than ever. 

Start with These Three Herbs – But Don’t Stop There 

When we launched DAO Labs, our objective was to create formulas inspired by classic Chinese herbal medicine blends that had stood the test of time, but in ways that were approachable and designed for on-the-go use.  Included in our initial formulas was Immunity Support, a simple but powerful blend of three herbs inspired by a 750 year formula called "Jade Windscreen".  For us, particularly in the North Star State where cold and flu season run long and aggressive, it’s been a game-changer for keeping us healthy when those around us are not. 

What’s more, we designed the formula with wellness elements that you might find familiar: 

  • Ingredients that make the herbs “fizz” in water. Much like vitamin-c powders, simply add the herbs to water and let the effervescent ingredients work.  
  • Single serve packets that fit easily in your bag, purse or pocket.
  • Flavors that “hide” the stigma typically associated with Chinese herbs – for Immunity Support, my co-founder, aware-winning Chef Travis Metzger created a pear-ginger combination that’s incredibly refreshing.
  • An eye toward sustainability – from our support of WildAid to our stringent sourcing criteria, our mission is to be good stewards as we transform health.  

Want Better Immunity?  Focus on Sleep Quality

Want to really advance the impact of your hand sanitizers and face masks?  Focus on getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night.  Sleep is the ultimate immunity booster, a daily gift from mother nature that allows us to reset and refresh.  But it’s understandable if you’re not getting this much given all the headlines and stress that’s as much a part of the new normal as the pandemic itself. 

Chinese herbal medicine offers numerous practices for improving the quality of your sleep each night.  I’m personally back to my nightly dose of Mental Tranquility to quiet my restless 2 AM mind, but our community has been equally passionate about Physical Tranquility for those who sleep hot and are more restless.  They are gamechangers for me. 

Don’t Neglect Your Digestive Health

According to Chinese medicine theory, health begins with proper digestion.  We offer numerous solutions for maintaining digestive strength, from the 8 herbs in Digestive Harmony that help your digestion when other solutions have failed, to our Middle Burner Diet that combines Chinese dietary therapy with western ingredients – both are game changers to improving digestion and in so doing, bolstering energy, vitality and your immunity.

Want to Learn More?  We’ll Send You an E-Book on Chinese Medicine & Immunity  

Looking for a deeper dive in how the practices of Chinese medicine can boost your immunity during these unsettling times?  Check out our e-Book that outlines acupressure points for immunity, tips on other body parts to keep covered (and why) as you venture outside, and ingredients to keep on hand to bolster you Qi (and keep healthy).

John G. McGarvey is a co-founder of DAO Labs and a regular contributor to The Way. A frequent visitor to China and Asia for both business and pleasure, he is an avid consumer of Chinese medicine. He can be reached at

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