4 Acupressure Points for Healthy & Safe Travel

by Dr. Jennifer Tom, DACM, L.Ac. |

Acupuncture and acupressure are branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine that have...

Melatonin vs. Chinese Herbs?  It’s a Matter of Herbs over Hormones

by DAO Labs |

According to a study published recently by the American Medical Association, “more...

Enhance Your Fertility With These Six Actionable Steps

by Eileen Mannion |

If you are planning to conceive, either naturally or undergoing fertility treatmen...

Understanding the Link Between Stress and Perimenopause

by Brie Wieselman, LAc, MTCM |

Stress – we’re all living with it, and you don’t need me to tell you stress isn’t ...

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Xiao Yao San

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Xiao Yao San is a Chinese herbal formula that has been used for over 800 years to ...

The Benefit of Acupuncture for Teens

by Harmony Brown AP, L.Ac, CFMP |

Looking for a way to have a healthier, more focussed and happier teen in your life...

Treating Menopause Symptoms with Chinese Medicine

by Marcie Bower |

Menopause is a natural occurrence: a time of transition, wisdom, and growth. Given...

Traditional Chinese Medicine for a Pain Free Period

by Megan Crouse, L.Ac |

Women have turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years to help w...

How the Pill Affects Hormonal Health

by DAO Labs |

Dr. Laura Belus answers common hormonal birth control questions, and shares holist...

Period Health as an Indicator of Overall Wellness

by Nell Smircina |

I used to hate having a period. It was this frustrating thing that happened each m...

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