How to Support Lingering Coughs, Phlegm and Dampness with Chinese Medicine

by DAO Labs |

Like many health and wellness conditions, Traditional Chinese Medicine theory prov...

Balance Your Digestive Yin and Yang With This Braised Stew

by Travis Metzger |

A wintry combination of beef and oysters to dazzle your taste buds, warm your dige...

5 Ways to Use Bao He Wan to Support the Digestive System

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Bao He Wan is a great "medicine cabinet" formula due to its effectiveness when dig...

Exploring the Immunity Power of Fang Feng (Siler Root) in Chinese Medicine

by Dr. Eric Karchmer, PhD, MD (China), LAc |

Fang Feng enhances the ability of our bodies to fight against airborne pathogens ...

Is Your Salad Sabotaging Your Diet? Chinese Medicine Has the Answer.

by Travis Metzger |

We often think of a cold salad as healthy - but is it?  We examine some slight Chi...

Eating with the Seasons: A Recipe for the Earth Element

by Travis Metzger |

A delicious recipe for better digestion: White Bean & Parsnip Soup.

A Chinese Medicine Approach to Sciatica

by Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. |

Sciatica can often feel like a deep pain that starts in your low back or buttocks ...

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