If I am an Acupuncturist or interested in carrying DAO Labs wholesale, should...
by DAO Labs |
No, you should visit our Practitioner Program page for more information.
How do I sign-up?
by DAO Labs |
You must first become a member of the Share-a-Sale affiliate network, which is our...
Can I use images that are on DAO Labs website or social channels?
by DAO Labs |
All of the content on mydaolabs.com website is protected by copyright. You may use...
Will you provide extra support for high traffic websites?
by DAO Labs |
Yes. Contact our Affiliate Manager at affiliates@mydaolabs.com. We will always be...
What is the commission rate?
by DAO Labs |
We pay commission on orders. High order-volume and/or reach affiliates are eligibl...
Can I be an affiliate if I live outside the United States?
by DAO Labs |
Yes, but there might be issues for your audiences with international shipping.
Is my website eligible for the Affiliate Program?
by DAO Labs |
We accept almost all types of websites that are relevant to our products and do no...
What is the DAO Labs Affiliate Program and How Does it Work?
by DAO Labs |
The Affiliate Program is a service that allows participating websites to earn comm...