Embrace the divine femine with Chinese herbal medicine.
If you’re taking the pill for any other reason besides pregnancy prevention, you’re better off getting to the real reason behind your hormonal issues. Here’s why:
Hormonal contraceptives can cause a ton of side-effects, some annoying, and some more serious. A few common ones are weight gain, acne, irregular cycles, headaches or mood changes. More rare adverse effects include cancer, blood clots or stroke. In addition, when you’re finally ready to come off the pill it can take months to get your cycles back & regular (not great if you’re trying to start a family).
The lesser known impacts of the pill include nutrient depletion. Simply put, if you are taking the pill and are NOT adding back these important vitamins & minerals, you run the risk of other symptoms over time (low energy, breakouts, digestive problems, to name a few).

For centuries, women in China have owned their cycles through the power of acupuncture, herbs, and nutritional therapy. In the West, we are only now embracing the menstrual cycle as the “5th Vital Sign” in women. In Traditional Chinese herbal medicine theory, common signs of imbalance are:
- Cramping
- Mood swings
- Hormonal acne
- Irregular cycles
- Disrupted sleep
- Bloating
- Heavy bleeding
Chinese Medicine has helped women who experience these symptoms for thousands of years by bringing the body gently into balance, rather than overriding the hormonal imbalances with “The Pill”. We want you to experience the power of Chinese medicine and how it can revolutionize your moon cycle.

Our Founder, Dr. Eric Karchmer, is passionate about women’s health and has helped hundreds of patients in his private practice regulate their hormones and transform their moon cycles using Chinese Medicine. During his studies in China, Dr. Karchmer realized that women in the east take a totally different approach to managing their menstrual health. One major component was herbs - and from there, the DAO Labs Women’s Kit was born.
Based on 2 formulas commonly used across Asia, DAO Labs has taken these age-old remedies and improved the taste and accessibility. Take Emotional Balance before your period to reduce stress, mood swings, irritability, and fatigue. After bleeding ends, take Women’s Formula for 6-7 days to stabilize hormones, replenish blood, and regulate your next cycle. With plenty of 5-Star reviews, here’s what our customers are saying:

Women's Monthly Kit
Since my use of the Women's Monthly Kit product, I have noticed significant changes in my cycle; the aches and pains I have experienced have been minimal and my flow is healthy and fresh. Great product!
Want to get started with a better moon cycle today? Take our Women’s Monthly Kit as recommended for 2 months - if you’re not happy with the improvements to your cycle, we’ll issue a full refund.
Your new mantra: I am strong, I am centered, I am happy - all month long. I own my cycle.